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This function is deprecated. The data is stale. In future we might refresh this page to make something useful with the maps and states but for now it is of historical interest only

Zoom by US telephone number - : --XXXX *OR* ZIP:

US-wide » State MN » County Saint Louis » CO HBNGMNHI

GREEN/RED are central offices and yellow is selected CO

Address: 2105 E FOURTH AV

google map the location
218-362 218-262 218-263 218-264

This CO feature set
Note: If you are not a Telco guru or network admin, these codes are of no interest, and do not relate to DSL service
    WE DS1 Capable Wire Center
    TD Frame Relay Service-Packet Switch
    SQ High cap mux-DS1 to voice
    RM Program audio bridging
    RK Dataphone select-a-station bridging addr
    RJ Dataphone select-a-station bridging seq.
    RH Telemetry and alarm bridging-passive
    RG Telemetry and alarm bridging-summation
    RF Telemetry and alarm bridging-split band
    RE Telephoto bridging
    RD Voice grade data bridging
    RC Voice bridging
    RB Telegraph bridging
    RA Metalic bridging
    PL Swiched access-price zone 3
    PC Special access-price zone 3
    GC WATS or WATS type service
    DA Feature group D with 10XXX dialing
    AA Feature group A