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This FAQ is for posting of questions and answers that apply to all regions. Region-specific FAQs should be submitted to your respective region's FAQ. However, if it applies to all the SBC regions, it is best to submit it here. If you are not sure, you may want instant message the FAQ editor- Ranma. If it's posted in a regional FAQ, but it pertains to all regions, I will ask you to resubmit it to the SBC FAQ so that you receive proper credit for your FAQ entry. Questions on registration, speed plans, how to get a trouble ticket made, routers(PBI uses Cayman, AIT uses Efficient 5861), or who to contact are region-specific and have not been included in this FAQ. Good additions to this FAQ are questions for the Enternet 300 software and the DSL modems or how to make a dedicated DSL line, which apply to all regions.

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by Ranma See Profile
last modified: 2001-07-25 19:59:52