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Important newsgroups update
On July 24, 2001, your Usenet Newsgroup server will change from Swbell.net.net (e.g., news.dallas.swbell.net) to SBCglobal.net, supported by Prodigy. To continue using Usenet Newsgroups after the final transition date of August 24, you'll need to update your newsgroup software with new server information. Your new server will again depend on your region. Below is a list of the news servers now available:


For example, if your server was originally news.swbell.net and you live in Dallas, you're new server will now be news.dallas.sbcglobal.net. You will exchange "swbell.net" for "region.sbcglobal.net" in your current settings. Pick the region that is geographically closest to you.

When you set up the news server be sure to use [your SWBell Username]@swbell.net for the login username.

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  • What do I use for the initial password?

    2008-07-19 20:20:31

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by Flippant See Profile
last modified: 2001-08-04 13:20:37