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How can I delete a device from my UD homepage?
What is the cs.ud file?
Why recycle my cs.ud file?
Are there any problems?
How do I recycle my cs.ud file?

How can I delete a device from my UD homepage?
What is the cs.ud file?
    The cs.ud file is the file that the Agent uses to identify your device uniquely. It's job is to tell the Server what device is returning a result, log in to the Server using your details and retrieve a new work unit.
    The cs.ud file has the added advantage of being transferable to a new machine.

Why recycle my cs.ud file?
    Because then you can keep your Device Config page neat.
    There will be no dead devices listed. If you re-use your cs.ud file, you can rename the device from the Device Config page.
    It also gives a more realistic view into how many machines are actually running on the UD Distributed Network. (It is currently claimed that there are approximately 900,000 devices installed, but a large number of them will be dead devices - no longer exist).
    This is particularly useful for users who have many devices installed, a messy Device Config page can be frustrating.
    It is also extrememly useful for UD Monitor users, see the UD Monitor thread for more details.

Are there any problems?
    There are always problems.
    Your cs.ud file may become corrupt, in which case you would have to reinstall the Agent and give it a new Device ID. The same applies if your hard drive becomes corrupt or there is a virus on your machine. Are the UD Server virus protected? Fortunately, yes. But there is no reason why you shouldn't install Anti-Virus software as well.
    I recommend making a copy of your cs.ud files for each device as you install them, and name them so you don't get confused, e.g. Device1.cs.ud or Home.cs.ud. You may want to create a new copy of the cs.ud files when there has been a software update, as the cs.ud file can be updated also, the same information is stored within the file. If you re-use and older cs.ud file, the Server should update automatically if need be.

How do I recycle my cs.ud file?
    It is actually a very simple process.
    Re-configure or rename the device if you want to from the Device Config page.
    Take the cs.ud file from the old machine or from the backup area.
    Install the Agent on the new machine (fresh install).
    Cancel the signup process window: At this point your device does not have an ID.
    Copy the old cs.ud file into the freshly installed Agent's directory.
    Run the Agent.
    You will notice that you are not prompted to sign up, and that the Agent will have the name that your old machine had. If you have renamed or reconfigured the device from the Config page, the Agent will show this once it has finished communicating with the Server. It will then get on with what it does best
    Thanks to quarkbomb of the UD Member-to-Member forum for this.

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last modified: 2003-03-28 22:56:03