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First and foremost, check Craigslist. It's an invaluable resource for many areas in California.

Here is a page that will give you basic guidelines for finding a house if you are in college or just otherwise searching:

Guide to Bay Area Housing

There is a very nifty site called ApartmentGuide.com which can help you find an apartment that suits your needs. The link below is a specific search for SF Bay Area apartments, but if you go directly to ApartmentGuide.com you can search in a broader range.

SF Bay Area Apartment Rental Finder

Addition provided by cutemer02.
More Apartment/House Finder Links:

Find A California Realtor with Realtor.com

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • You can check apartment reviews here: http://www.apartmentratings.com http://www.donotrent.com http://www.apartmentreviews.net

    2011-11-29 23:04:42

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by SurfTheSky See Profile
last modified: 2005-08-03 13:17:33