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A user is listed as a frequent poster in a forum if he/she is one of the top 20 posters or so, depending on the forum. The order is not determined by number of posts.

You can see this by clicking on the "About" link at the top of every forum:

On the next page, click on "view frequent posters."

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • 1. Wished this answer to say: approximately how long the time window is, for determining the most frequent posters in a forum. i.e. Top J posters to the forum over the last K weeks (if time driven), or over the last L posts (if traffic driven), where K or L is disclosed (or some combination of the two). I don't quite see whom I observe to be the most frequent posters in the list (for AT&T u-verse). So perhaps the effective time window (whether or not strictly drive by time or by amount of traffic) is quite long (i.e. months)? 2. Also are anonymous users excluded from the ranking?

    2015-04-14 01:48:42 (brookeKrige See Profile)

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by MrFixIT6 See Profile edited by JMGullett See Profile
last modified: 2007-03-01 11:39:53