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All of these may be typed in the main chat or in a private message window. For updated list of available commands please check the DC++ built-in Help or visit: »dcplusplus.sourceforge.n ··· nds.html

/away <message> Specifies a message to auto-respond in PM's while you're AFK (there's a default message so you don't need to specify one)
/back Turn away message off
/clear Clears the main chat windows
/close Close current window
/connection Displays external IP address and port DC++ is using
/dc++ Gives a comment about DC++ and shows the URL where you can get it
/favorite or /fav Add hub to favorites list
/favshowjoins Shows join/part of favorite users
/g <search phrase> Search Google
/getlist <user> Command to get users list from private chat
/help Short help message
/imdb <search phrase> Search IMDB
/join <hub address> Joins specified hub
/log Enables/disables logging
/pm <username> Opens a private message window to the user
/rebuild Rebuilds user share
/refresh Refreshes list of shared files
/removefavorite Removes current hub from favorites
/search <string> Searches for <string>
/showjoins Toggles joins/parts messages for the current hub
/slots <#> Changes number of slots to <#>
/ts Switches timestamps in chat windows on and off
/u <url> Opens <url> in default browser
/userlist Show/hide userlist

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by USR56K See Profile edited by eMTee See Profile
last modified: 2010-10-31 05:42:26