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To just check email on computers already connected to the Internet, you can use the GetEmail web email service at http://getemail.sympatico.ca

As a Sympatico HSE or Ultra subscriber, you get 10 free hours of 56K dialup access per month, which you can use when you are on the road or if your high speed service is not working. Dialup roaming is available for free where local Sympatico Dialup numbers exist. Otherwise, long distance charges may apply. Click here for a list of dialup numbers.

Outside of Canada, you can use the Bellnet Global Roaming iPass Dialer available at http://en.bellnet.ca/groaming.html to dial up to your Sympatico account. This is NOT free; you will be charged an access fee per minute of use. The dialer will display the various rates offered by local telcos in your area of the world. The iPass dialer will also work in Canada, but it only gives you a limited number of free access numbers. Sympatico lists many more, which can be found here.

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  • All these links are broken.

    2008-05-14 12:06:45

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by quanta See Profile edited by MacGyver See Profile
last modified: 2008-05-18 20:12:12