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4.0 TeamSpeak

Teamspeak is basically a means of carrying on voice comms with your buddies while engaged in the game. It is easy to download and install (free to use), and allows for teams on assault and defense to have separate channels. With a headset, it enables communication while leaving your hands free for the game.

The BBR AA Clan has chosen Teampspeak2 as its comm program of choice.

There is a good introduction to it here.
Link courtesy of GhostRecon.net

by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2003-04-07 17:45:46

At this point, we use Teamspeak 2 RC2 for voice communication.

BBR AA Clan members should see this thread.

Here is how to set it up:

    •Uninstall Teamspeak RC1 (or the previous installed version) from Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel if you have it installed.

    •Download and install RC2 (or the latest version) from here.

    •Once you have installed it, open TS.

    •From the Connect menu, click Connect. You will be presented with a screen like this:

    •In the Server Address field, type in our current server and port: ASK IN AA FORUM.

    •Make sure you log in anonymously with the same password as our AA server (ask in the forum).

    •Click Connect.

Once you're online, it's time to do some configuration.

  1. On the Settings menu, click Sound Input/Output Settings.

  2. Make sure you select "push to talk" mode.
    Click the Set button to choose a key to use for speech. I use Q because of its proximity to the other AA controls.

  3. Test it using the local test mode, and click close.

  4. Now, go into Settings, Options. Go to the Bandwidth tab.

  5. Set the upstream and downstream limits to your choosing. The minimum limit is 6 kbits/sec. I arbitrarily set the upload limit to 17kbits/sec on my 1500/256 connection. This is way more than necessary (I think). Experiment when the TS server is crowded. Each voice transmission is 5.1 kilobits/sec. Click OK

If you want to set up key bindings so you can change channels without switching out of the game, go into the Key settings. These are the binds I use:

You can download and import the binds listed above (created by jmplep for your use) here
To create your own, click the Add button.

To register with the server, click the Self menu. Then click Register with server. The procedure is the same as with RC1. Once your registration succeeds, go back into the connect menu and type in your user name and password.

by raw See Profile edited by slash See Profile
last modified: 2003-06-23 22:51:57