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BroadbandReports.com Anime/Sci-Fi Forum

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  1. Verizon FiOS
  2. Frontier Communications
  3. Apple
  4. Ebox
  5. Anime/Sci Fi/TV
  6. Verizon Direct
  7. PC Hardware
  8. Verizon FiOS TV

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Forum specific rules:

Welcome to the Anime/Sci-Fi forum.

Please note: Trolling, Flaming of other users or the site and potty mouth language will not be tolerated.

NOTE: If you are posting a question or answer about something that would "spoil" it for viewers who may not have seen that yet, use the special [spoiler] and [/spoiler] tags around the text. For a thread entirely about Spoilers, put ***SPOILER*** In the thread title. Not everyone has seen everything yet and they want to enjoy it as much as you did (or didn't)...Sorry, but Anonymous posters cannot use the spoiler tag, so you should just say SPOILER in the text and leave some blank lines before you spill the beans...

And don't bother to ask about where you can download something for free.