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This is a public forum where people come both to help with and for help with Charter Spectrum services. Time Warner Cable and BrightHouse Networks Legacy System issues may be addressed here. Please post in a friendly and responsible manner. There are NO

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·Time Warner Cable

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DSLReports has posting rules enforced site-wide.

Forum specific rules:
Please read What info to post for help before you post.
The site rules and terms of use are pretty clear, to those we've added the following.
  • This forum is not an official support outlet for Charter Spectrum. We're here to discuss Charter Spectrum service and solve Charter Spectrum related problems, not here to enforce any ISP's policies. While our intention is to provide a place to discuss and solve problems, we can't guarantee that all information here is correct. However, many of our forum members are pretty good at separating good advice from bad, so be an intelligent consumer and educate yourself as you read and post. Do not post information that is intentionally misleading or outright wrong, harmful or illegal.

  • Do not post phone numbers or names of individuals that can't be found on Google.

  • Post an answer, not a link to another site. Unless an unusually difficult or long explanation is entailed which is readily available elsewhere, please just post an answer instead of a link to any other site. And in those few cases of unusually difficult or long explanations, a direct link to the explanation on another site as opposed to a general link to the other site itself is encouraged.

  • There are NO official employees in this particular forum so be wise about your account and do not share any private account information when seeking assistance in any discussion.