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TheThing to Exodus


to Exodus

Re: League of Legends

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which LoL character does this remind you of?

Lansing, MI

4 edits

f0rtys3ven to Exodus


to Exodus
CLG ran a strat that was a hybrid of your strats during regionals vs Legion.

Google NA regional CLG vs Legion.
3 teleports
ad support (sivir/sona w/ promote) start mid
1st tower drops at 7:30 Mid 1
2nd tower drops at 9ish. Bot 1
3rd tower drops at 12:45 Mid 2
4th tower drops at 13:00 Top 1
5th tower drops at 18:00 Bot 2
6th tower drops at 23:00 Top 2
Baron at 23:45 --- SOO MUCH VISION
7th tower drops at 24:30 Mid 3
8th tower drops at 25ish Bot 3 and inhib
Then mid inhib.

Work is good!

Its 25 min in and towers is 8 - 0 .

27 min GG.




that bullshit would never happen against my pushy morde

Your Daddy
Premium Member


Premium Member

If you gave me a soraka at my back, I would shit all over your mordekaiser with a Sivir or a Cait.


TheThing to Exodus


to Exodus
with my choice of pocket support, your creep waves would melt to my morde, you would never get close son

(enjoy auto attacking my shield)(I was referencing Mid, so it would be 1v1anyways, since that was the tower that fell first)

Lansing, MI

f0rtys3ven to Exodus


to Exodus
The poor ap mid was Zyra. Sivir solos here early.

Keep It Simple
Premium Member

Jobbie to Exodus

Premium Member

to Exodus
said by Exodus:

If you gave me a soraka at my back, I would shit all over you

That horn.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to TheThing

Premium Member

to TheThing
said by TheThing:

with my choice of pocket support, your creep waves would melt to my morde, you would never get close son

(enjoy auto attacking my shield)(I was referencing Mid, so it would be 1v1anyways, since that was the tower that fell first)

We're talking about a 1v2 here. Not a 2v2. I thought we were talking about our AD carry in mid with a support versus an AP carry.


TheThing to Exodus


to Exodus
misread woops

TheThing to Exodus


to Exodus
i used to run promote more... and it worked well for tower killing

but people laugh at you and say it's stupid

Lansing, MI

f0rtys3ven to Exodus


to Exodus
Couple things bouncing in the noggin. Im not sure rengar and rammus are the best it seems that poke is necessary to push people off tower inorder to engage it. Also we could run the ap mid top and our top bot 2v1. Many more bruisers can 2v1 effectivly.

PC Builder, Gamer
Premium Member
Earth Orbit


Premium Member

Rammus has been nerfed quite a bit. The only ones I see now do absolutely terrible.

Malphite, Shen, Blitz, and Ali are probably your top tanks, in that order (also most banned).

liquoranne to Exodus


to Exodus
so being my favorite mid (Morgana) is always banned in drafts, i wanted to experiment with new mid picks. Been testing a bit, and i think i found my new pick...Cho'gath. Why Cho you might ask? Well, for starters, his sustain is top notch. Not many AP mids will have the sustaining potential as a Cho. Next is that the core build focus's around obtaining AP and MR at the same time (few items come to mind). With 3 items, you will be getting tickled by their AP carry while being able to dish out some heavy damage.
The down side is Mid cho is very weak early game. Scream range is fairly short and any player worth their salt can avoid your knock-up. A few missed knock-up's and ur screaming for more mana. But from what I've found, that's about it. I haven't met a true counter to Cho (remember that ban on Morgana? yea, she would be the only problem in my opinion), as you will have a lead in HP, MR and the all important True damage ult (which is on a surprisingly fairly short CD).

My last game with Cho was against a Kass. Knowing that Kass's early game presence is fairly weak, Cho was an easy choice. By the time each of us was lvl 6, i had a fairly modest 30cs lead. I could push at will and did knowing that after level 6 Kass would turn it up a notch. Yum. Most Kass,Veig's think they are the burst champs...again...yum. I forgot how the first exchange started, but the end result was inevitable...Another stack for the Cho. After his second failed attempt they had a lane swap with their bot ADC. So, whats a Cho to do? Oh yea, Frozen Heart...By the time my ult was up again, another stack for the Cho.

I ended the game at like 14/2/5, cause we all know AP cho doesnt assist...

Premium Member
Your Mind!

Goggalor to Jobbie

Premium Member

to Jobbie
said by Jobbie:

said by Chaplain:

I also kill stole from Block rather efficiently.


What is thy bidding, my master?

Your Daddy
Premium Member


Premium Member

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It was only a matter of time. Went 31-10 that game.

Tried our little promote duo mid combo thing. I think execution could have went better, so I'm not willing to write it off yet, but it was rough.


Premium Member

And we had to win that game with an afk Krisnatharok. 4v5 is hard.



nice man....seems you 3 took on all 5? if so...rocking. hopefully im lucky enough to never be on the opposing end, cause at this juncture, a good/fed rengar is most of the time game ending. i did combo down a rengar with cho in 4seconds cause he was all glass cannon. another stack for the cho.

but congrats on the penta

Lansing, MI

f0rtys3ven to Exodus


to Exodus
Heavily malph sona assisted

Your Daddy
Premium Member


Premium Member

Of course. Grats on the penta-assist.

PC Builder, Gamer
Premium Member
Earth Orbit

Krisnatharok to Exodus

Premium Member

to Exodus
said by Exodus:

And we had to win that game with an afk Krisnatharok. 4v5 is hard.

It was fun getting in a prolonged fight with my 16bil why going to school and not being delinquent is important.... I didn't quite pull out the "because I said so" line but I came close. Haven't used my NCO voice in a while.

Your Daddy
Premium Member


Premium Member

And.... another rengar win.




That Zyra was a despicable specimen.

Veigar's EW1RQ combo is one of the longest in the game, and must be perfectly executed to be effective.

No skills... pff!

liquoranne to Exodus


to Exodus
ya...rengar is often banned in draft games now. i see morg,shen,malph,ali,reng and either blitz/mumu banned the most. you gotta admit, he is a tad op at his current state. i guess thats what draft is for, removing the champs with a noticeable advantage.

Lansing, MI

f0rtys3ven to Exodus


to Exodus
That was the first time I had penta assist.

The best thing is that we 3v5'd them.

My and Ant had perfect CC's to shut them all down for a good amount of time. I'm just glad I didn't steal any of those kills.

It was a good game where we kept with our strat and it did carry us through. I don't think its a bad strat just have to work on the execution.

The lvl 1 wards for river should NOT go in the river bush. There isn't enough time to react if they are shoved hard. We need to wards on the paths to river from enemy jungle by wraiths and the bush by blue that wraps into the river. Wards here will let you know when the jungler is entering the river instead of when hes already there.

If you can stomp Rengar hard from lvl 6 to 10 hes manageable, but if he gets 3 - 5 kills in that time he can carry the team HARD. lol.


Premium Member

Antonica to f0rtys3ven

Premium Member

to f0rtys3ven
I got all 5 of them in my Sona Ult. You're welcome for the penta :P

Your Daddy
Premium Member


Premium Member

I don't think I've ever seen anyone 1v5 a team and come out with a penta. I've gotten close, but it hasn't happened. I have 1v5'd a team and the best I did was a quadra before I died. That was once.

So, yeah, it's a team effort. I just happened to land the last hit on five players sequentially.

Also, I don't think I've seen anyone else playing Rengar as well as I do, our side or theirs.

So It Goes
Premium Member

Chaplain to Exodus

Premium Member

to Exodus
Great games last night. The Promote game was very rough, especially for bot and mid. I agree with 47 that the mid river wards nees to be pushed out more so there is more time to react. What sucks is mid doesn't get the leveling it needs to keep up late game. The AD carry is pretty much worthless at that point, because you are severely underfarmed and underleved. It's like running two supports with promote. Which might actually be better. Or a bruiser with support. I dunno. Cait became totally useless except for using promote by early/mid game. It's very VERY boring for a mid ad carry. I'm thinking another tank, but we lose that mid turret burning aspect. It's tough to think of a better way. The opposing team did quickly go into counter mode.

Had some really good games after that as well. Carried twice pretty hard with Cait for some wins, with a great gogg blitz support on one, and a not so great Taric PUG in the other. Then we lost the last two games, and I went to bed. Jobbie does very well with ez, I must say. Still bitches about mistakes, but we'll let him go for now.......... Block needs to play the bear more. Also, played with some guy I never heard of before, but he's a dslr person. Did very well. I guess we'll let him continue playing with us.

Your Daddy
Premium Member


Premium Member

There were several issues. You guys were concerned about getting ganked in mid because of being over-extended. You were right to be concerned and you placed wards down properly. The problem? Neither of you two paid attention to the minimap to see if someone was coming. By the time you guys saw Riven, he was already in your lane based upon your champion's vision. Dead.

I think the better mid combo would be Sivir/Soraka. Sivir has a fantastic harass, a nice ability absorb (great against AP carries) and the ability to double tap attacks on turrets while farming minions.

Malphite was a good pick. Him and I were able to dive turrets without much issue. I hold firm to my stance on Rammus burning turrets. I think he would be the best anti-turret tank. Rengar is a great burner as well.

Another observation none of us anticipated. Promote is actually stronger in the mid game and through to the late game until dead inhibitors kick in. Promote allows you to push lanes without being in them. A single promoted minion with no turrets in the way can push a lane from your base all the way to their base with a massive accumulation of your own minions. You can split push without actually splitting. Krisnatharok dropped half way through and we were able to still win with a 4v5 with this setup.

The lesson? There's some things to iron out, but there's actually some very very strong qualities of this promote-style setup that allowed us to come back from a huge deficit into a 4v5 win.

So It Goes
Premium Member


Premium Member

Just to clarify, I did survive the gank. Then I got tower dove.

Your Daddy
Premium Member


Premium Member

That same tower dive resulted in you landing a kill as well.

Either way, I'm willing to tinker with it again. I'd like to get Krisnatharok's feedback on bottom lane. Maybe I'm not the right jungler for it since I rarely make an appearance before 6. I know there are other people here who are better at landing ganks before 6.