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Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1

Re: League of Legends

I love shaco.

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
The funny thing is even after the changes to Heimer and Shaco, alot of people assume they're pretty much worthless and end up getting wrecked pretty hard.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
They're good for defense, but they just get soaked up by spells. I've not seen a very successful turret pusher.

All I have to do is right click heimer, his turret decides to target me and my tower targets the turret and it's GG turret.

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
That is true, he's still a good pusher though and those turrets can still be a threat if placed right.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
I've not seen any good Heimers. It's unfortunate.

I have had a blast with Soraka though.

Lees Summit, MO

1 edit

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
Take it one step further on Xin and build it into a Trinity Force =)

Another item I forgot to mention being a must for AD or AP ez being Chalice, even thought Mystic Shot is fairly cheap, he can still spam the shit out of it.

However in the next patch Sheen/LichBane/Trinity Force are having their "reservoir" system removed so you'll be stuck with a 2sec cooldown for the additional damage effect of those items.

So that plus the reduction to mystic shot that's a pretty hard hit to his damage but similar to the situation with Heimerdinger losing a turret, people will just have to play smarter with him.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
Sheen? I forgot about that. yeah, that would be hot. Damn, I completely forgot about that.

I should get a fucking sheen for Xin.

I could probably crit someone for 1800.

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
Throw in a sheen and that's pretty much the core of AD ez in a nutshell

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
Oh well. I just like the harass ability that it has.

I wonder if I should just stack a bunch of blood thirsters + one infinity edge.

Lees Summit, MO

1 edit

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
AP ratios should stay, they did change the AD ratio for mystic shot in the previous patch but it was minor, from 1.1 to 1.0

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
That's not too bad. They didn't change the ratios, did they?

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
Well looks like they updated the patch notes yesterday. In older notes they reduced the damage of flux and shift.

Damage Per Level reduced to 2.6 from 3
Attack Speed Per Level reduced to 2.8 from 3.22
Mystic Shot
* Mystic Shot damage reduced to 35/55/75/95/115 from 40/65/90/115/140
Essence Flux
* Mana Cost reduced to 70/80/90/100/110 from 80/90/100/110/120

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
What are they doing to Ezreal? I don't follow the nerfs. I just log in once in a while and play. You're right about Twitch.

I saw an AD Kog that was 2 shotting players.

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
AD ezreal can get disgusting if fed enough, though he's getting a pretty rough nerf in the next patch.

I haven't played as Kog but he's a harassment god, as soon as they close the range though you're pretty much toast. 80% of the time i see AD Kogs but every once in a while I'll find a good AP kog that makes my life miserable.

As for twitch, only reason I'm not so much a fan of him is as soon as the other team starts buying Oracle Elixirs he's pretty much shut down unless he's smart about popping in at the exact right time.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
I haven't tried all of the heroes yet, but my next two to try out are Ezreal, Kog'maw, and Twitch.

I've seen them dominate as well. I know AP Kog'maw isn't preferred, but damn, I would love to drop 1k acids from a distance on a team every 3 seconds.

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
Yea, he's one of the few heroes I'd agree with starting with boots 1.

Also I was thinking that possibly SotO would be a pretty solid pick for him.

I'll probably give him a shot next time he's free. Other than that I'll just still with what I'm normally playing, Nasus, Kassadin, and sometimes Taric.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
It depends on the cycle. When he's free, people love him. Still, most people stick with the generic item build and have him going for a hybrid of survivability/DPS and send him to charge right in.

It doesn't work. I tried. I've played several games as Xin and the only way to do it is to stack +damage, + attack speed and enough armor pen to do damage and adjust your playstyle.

You're an in-and-out ganker. Stay in the bushes, or wait for your team to initiate and utterly clean house with the damage you pull.

The big thing about the character is that he's a "ramp up" character. Some characters are better early game. Some are better mid-game. Some take off at end-game if they haven't been farmed. Xin isn't a great solo ganker until he has a few items under his belt. You may abandon the team ganks/defends in favor of jungling/killing safe creep waves. I am constantly trying to generate as much gold as possible, because shit dies fast when you gather each item. Here's my observations:

Opener: Boots + 3 health pots. Generally, I come out on top almost every time in 2v2 in bush fights. At level 3, I have 1 rank of every ability and i can charge, hit fast and stun.

Level six, the ult is great for ganks as well. Usually level 7-13 is the lull period where I can't get as many kills and result to generating as much gold as possible. I get the cleaver, and this puts me at a good advantage, but I'm busting my butt to farm up a phantom dancer, which usually happens by 13.

At that point, I go to town and start fighting in the team fights, getting some kills. I'll build up an Infinity Edge and when that's done, I can absolutely blast anyone 1v1. Often times, I can beat up 1v2 as well as long as I'm not chain stunned.

From there, it's a second phantom dancer and it's usually GG after that. If the game is still going on, it's a bloodthirster. Nobody survives that combo. Not even tanks. Plus, I'm lifestealing against most players for more than they can do damage to. 2 hits per second, critting for 1000-2000 (high crit chance), lifestealing 30% of that means 600-1200 HP restored per second.

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
Yea, when he first came out his Ult did more damage + 25% current HP instead of 20% now. But like i said I have never played xin and it's kinda rare I see him in games nowadays.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
Xin's ult looks amazing, but is horribly weak in the end-game. I thought that it would scale great, but doesn't scale that great at all, because people pick up armor and it doesn't do as much. Plus, Xin's auto attacks hit twice as hard as his ultimate does, so relying on the ultimate to do the job isn't as good. You're right though, I aim for the carry. Tank goes in. Chaos ensues. The instant the chaos starts, I charge in with Battle Furry and his stun queue'd up and then ult as soon as I land and do as much damage as possible.

Lees Summit, MO

1 edit

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
I may be wrong in saying this since I don't play Xin and lately I haven't seen him in any games, but wouldn't you yield better results if once your tank initiates, you pop battle cry, charge in, hit your ult and then just TTS their carry?

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
If you go with the recommended item list, it takes survivability over damage. With Xin, I keep my distance in team fights and pick off people who aren't absolutely clustered.

Ensuring that you don't get focused is an art. With two Phantom Dancers, most of your attacks crit, and you are one of the fastest people on the map. Making sure that you aren't insta-gibbed is absolutely essential to this type of build's style. 1v1, I have yet to see anyone take him on. Typically, people try to run away, get about 3 feet and drop dead. Know your opponent, know who the stunners are and do not charge in on a team fight.

Once the chaos ensues of your tank charging in and people have already picked their focus target, go in and clean house. Once you've splintered the group, it's easy to continually pick people off.

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
Nothing better than face smashing people, I remember one game near the end I took annie from full to 2% with my 500+ ap Kassadin.

Item you're referring to would be Bloodthirster. That's a build i usually see on Xin's only thing I would probably change would be the boots, in favor of the Merc Treads (25MR and 35% reduced duration on CC) since Xin already gets a passive 35% AS boost from War Cry and he's usually the first to get dropped in team fights.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to danielk1

Premium Member

to danielk1
I've tried so many other heroes. I've found some new-found respect for Soraka. I've completely carried teams with Soraka and denied team kills with Soraka. It is utter ridiculous with the correct build.

Also, Xin is still the character I've wrecked with the most. No one comes close to what Xin can do. I crit Teemo for 1040 last night.

My build has been. Boots (+25% attack speed).
Blood Cleaver (+75 damage + armor pen stacks)
Phantom Dancer (45% attack speed, 30% crit, 15% dodge)
Infinity Edge (80 damage, 20% crit, +50% to all crit damage)
Second Phantom Dancer
For my last time, if it gets that far, I get the one with the lifesteal/damage. I forget what it's called. It gives additional damage/lifesteal per minion stack.

At that point, you start killing people in under 2 seconds.

Lees Summit, MO

danielk1 to Exodus


to Exodus
Yea Xin is pretty beastly, I've recently gotten back into it and i've definitely been enjoying it alot more. I played HoN for a while but didn't really think too highly of the community, not to mention tower diving is ez mode in HoN from what I've seen. I've been having a blast playing Nasus and I've been winning around 75% of my games with him, losses have mainly been to baddie teammates since he's really dependent on his comp.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to rothan

Premium Member

to rothan
Been using Xin Zhao lately. Hits like a truck.

Premium Member
Rowley, MA

rothan to Exodus

Premium Member

to Exodus
said by Exodus:

I purchased Twisted Fate and played with him last night.

Went 37/0/4 in one game.

I like.
So broken. I love LoL though. Been playing since May, great game. They keep improving it. My mains are Fiddlesticks and Ashe. Just picked up the new hero Urgot and am trying to get the hang of him. Fun times.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to Mr1

Premium Member

to Mr1
I purchased Twisted Fate and played with him last night.

Went 37/0/4 in one game.

I like.

Premium Member

Mr1 to Exodus

Premium Member

to Exodus
said by Exodus:

Well, if it happens again, let me know (if you remember). If it's worth it, I'll check it out. For now, we enjoy LoL. I'm only like, level 6.
For ganking, pantheon is great, udyr is great, shaco is great, evelynn, or twitch. Try out all the heroes every week they change the free ones to a different set, it will help you to find a heroe you like.

Your Daddy
Premium Member

Exodus to Mentat

Premium Member

to Mentat
Well, if it happens again, let me know (if you remember). If it's worth it, I'll check it out. For now, we enjoy LoL. I'm only like, level 6.

Premium Member
Houston, TX

Mentat to Exodus

Premium Member

to Exodus
Hon is not more in-depth than dota; it IS dota. To me, LoL lacks the nuances that make dota supreme. The laning phase in particular sets the tone for the entire game in dota/hon, but in LoL it is almost superfluous. To me, LoL plays more like an EM game.

You just missed the play-for-free weekend for HoN but I'm sure there will be another.