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poor babes

poor babes to cog_biz_user


to cog_biz_user

Re: Vancouver police chief in support of warrantless wiretapping

said by cog_biz_user:

officers investigating criminal activity on cellphones and the internet will still have to get a warrant every time they want to intercept communications

Poor, poor police chief babies. Having to be accountable and all that. I feel for them.

Live Free Or Die
Renfrew, ON



Typical answer from the police chiefs: "Wah!We won't get like the US has with their warrentless wiretapping laws WAAA!." you now KNOW who our police chiefs want to be like (The US Police Chiefs...) #CanadaIsNOTTheUS
IamGimli (banned)

IamGimli (banned)


said by JunjiHiroma:

Typical answer from the police chiefs: "Wah!We won't get like the US has with their warrentless wiretapping laws WAAA!." you now KNOW who our police chiefs want to be like (The US Police Chiefs...) #CanadaIsNOTTheUS

It has little to do with the US. It's all about the police' never-ending desire for control and authority.

The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police also lobbied extremely hard against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms back in the day, predicting streets running red with blood and complete inability on their part to do anything about it if it ever came to pass. Reality has proven to be much different.

The CACP is nothing but yet another lobby group looking for it's own benefit, accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of "gifts" from the prime contractor of the long gun registry to lobby Government to keep said registry, all disguised in unprovable "public safety" emotional arguments.