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Welcome to the HughesNet (formerly DirecWay) forum. Please feel free to post messages regarding the rapidly growing technology of Internet by satellite.

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·Earthlink Satellite powered by DIRECWAY
·Ground Control

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  1. AT&T Wireless
  2. Netgear
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  4. Animals and Pets
  5. Ham Radio
  6. New England
  7. Chicago
  8. HughesNet Satellite

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Forum specific rules:

Welcome to the DirecWay Forum

The DirecWay Forum is a place for users to ask questions, and share information, tips, tools and experiences with setting up and maintaining your DirecWay Internet connection The following are some forum guidelines. Please help by becoming familiar with them.

WildBlue connection questions? Go here: WildBlue Satellite

Starband connection questions? Go here: Starband Satellite

Forum Posting Guidelines:

    On Topic - Keep all related questions/problems in one thread. Do not post your questions regarding your problems in another person's thread unless the problem is the same. Start a new one instead. •Need Help? - If you are having a problem with your DirecWay connection please provide as much detail as you can when posting so that forum members can make useful suggestions. Rants serving no purpose (other than to ventilate) will probably be moved to Rant and RavesNeed to post an Image? - If you directly link an image, limit the width to 450 pixels and in JPEG or GIF format to avoid "page stretch". •Trolling and Flaming - When you post something calculated to insult or annoy - when it's personal - when it pertains to the user and not the topic - it won't be here for long. It's always easier to ignore those who try to lure you into a flame-fest, and it makes them look like the troll they are. Bring it to the attention of a moderator, but DO NOT respond in kind, and then seek moderator action against the poster. •Can't Understand a Post? - Move on to another topic. Do not comment on or correct the spelling, grammar, punctuation or use of the English language in other members' posts. •Spam/Advertisement - This forum may not be used for free advertising or spam of any kind. If you are in the business of selling HughesNet (or any ancillary) service your comments and help are welcome, your self-promotion is not. •Moderator Decisions - Moderator decisions are final. If you have a question about an action of a Moderator, you may contact that mod by IM. Rude or otherwise abusive IM messages will not make your case. Posts related to moderator actions will be deleted without discussion. See the following for more information: Posting Rules. •Site Rules and Guidelines - Please review DSLR rules explained in several locations such as Terms of Use, & Privacy Policy.

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